Hi I am Tammy, Building Biologist, Low Tox Coach, teacher and mama. I teach mums how to identify and minimise environmental factors (including chemicals and EMFs) that may negatively impact their child’s health, behaviour, and learning so that they feel empowered in decision making and confident they are maximising their child’s health.
I am a… Perfectionist. High achiever. Science-minded. Practical. Loyal. Honest. Down to earth. True health seeker. Life-long learner.
So when I became pregnant with my first little in 2013, it just wasn’t in my nature to take short cuts and compromise on her health. Even though I thought I was pretty good at the time, it was no surprise that my ‘personality’ coupled with the anticipation of providing for a little started my journey to becoming a qualified Building Biologist under the well-renown Healthy Home expert Nicole Bijlsma at the Australian College of Environmental Science.
I look back now, after all that I’ve learnt (and still learning) along the way, and I have just given birth to my third little and boy are there (a lot of) things I’m doing differently or have refined.
I wish I had of known the importance and impact I was having on my health and my future children (and grandchildren) but I didn’t. I wish I had of known that the router sitting directly next to my desk and students’ desks was potentially impacting on their and my health and learning- how I would have spoken up for them if I had of known. I wish I had of known that the fluorescent lights my students sat under was potentially impacting their learning- how I would have taken them outside more. I wish I had of known that I should have been preparing my body at least twelve months prior to conceiving to detox unwanted chemicals and make sure my body was in prime health for it’s coming journey of growing a human-being. I wish I had of known that drinking and eating from plastic during pregnancy could have been impacting on the health of my baby now and into her future… I could go on but you know what, I did not know. I blindly thought surely my GP would have told me what to be careful of. I blindly trusted the government and governing bodies would not allow the manufacture and use of hazards if it weren’t safe. I was deceived by greenwashing messages of sustainability and the misuse of the word ‘natural’.
Well we all make mistakes, it has all been part of my journey. I am ok with that… now. Honestly, I wasn’t originally, I was mad (visual fiery little wog) because I thought I was making informed choices and really wasn’t. But energy into regrets is wasted energy that is better served elsewhere.
I want better for you. I want better for my children. I want better for our families.
Even the most well-intentioned person can become consumed and lost in research just trying to make one informed choice that potentially impacts their health. I get it, it is hard, time consuming,
So for anyone who just wants to know the science, no fads, no bias, I pledge to present the science to the best of my ability so you can make your own decisions/choices and steer your own life.
For anyone wanting help identifying potential health hazards in their environment and then practical solutions to help mitigate them, I aim to help unearth scientifically documented hazards and offer practical cost-effective resolutions.
I am here to support you because there is nothing more important than one’s health. Here’s to informed choices and a healthier family!
Formal Qualifications:
- Advanced Diploma of Building Biology
- Advanced Mould Testing and Electromagnetic Field Testing
- Certified Low Tox Coach
- Double Degree- Bachelor of Teaching/Bachelor of Arts
- Certificate IV in Disability