The World Health Organization defines health, in their constitution since 1948, as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease.
A came across this statement today and it made me wonder…
At the moment Melbourne are in lockdown in the attempt to help the community ‘evade the spread of disease’ but what are we doing about our physical, mental and social well-being?
I am not questioning the realness of the virus and I am certainly not opening this up to whether the measures are appropriate in controlling it.
What I am pondering is, politicians and the media are reminding us constantly about this deadly virus and I wonder how healthy that is psychologically. I know I have many ageing loved ones who have become fearful and that is scientifically not healthy.
What I am pondering is, I am increasingly hearing mums in private Facebook communities expressing extreme sadness, complete overwhelm, feeling alone (even those with partners) or worried and I am concerned for their mental health. Sustained feelings of such intensity are scientifically not healthy.
What I am pondering is, the families who are reaching out for ideas to entertain the littles who are going stir crazy because they live in an apartment and the Melbourne restrictions are confining them to 1 hour of outdoor time and how healthy that is psychologically and physically.
What I am pondering is, the increasing advice I am seeing from people to just let the littles watch as much television as they want because all bets are off at the moment because their sanity cannot cope with the situation of confinement. Sustained screen time is scientifically unhealthy neurologically.
What I am pondering is, the children who are seeing people in masks constantly and what effect that will have on them socially.
What I am pondering is, the number of people we pass on our walks (masks or no masks) that cross the street or put their head down as we approach and sometimes even quicken the step. Where have the polite hello, good mornings gone? Our sense of connection is being severed.
My statement and question to the politicians whom are making decisions and in particular Dan, thank you for considering the impacts of the disease but how are you ensuring the health of ALL Australians and in particular Melbournians right now?
My statement to the families of Melbourne…
I remember regularly being awake in the darkest hours of night with my first who struggled to sleep, and my sister inviting me into a Facebook group for mums, it was such a relief to receive support. I know this doesn’t compare and hopefully Dan will start considering all of our HEALTH needs but my point is, community is so important now more than ever.
There are some beautiful groups of community that have given birth and risen up through this. Find one that resonates with you, because it is with community with which you can draw strength from. Community that has the capacity to rejuvenates us. It is community that can support us.
It takes a village to raise our children and it is unnatural and unhealthy under these conditions to do so on your own.